New Year’s Eve Dinner

Join us on New Year's Eve for your choice of Prime Rib or Chicken Cordon Bleu.  Each meal comes with a salad, vegetable, choice of meat, and dessert.  $30 per person.  Must sign up and pay by December 24th.   


Country Memories Band

Dust off your dance shoes and come enjoy some music at the Club 7 - 10 p.m. Open to the public

Annual Game Dinner

Annual Game Dinner Saturday, January 13th Appetizers starting around 3:30 Bring your favorite wild game dish, or a side dish to share If you have extra game, but would like us to cook it, just get ahold of us ahead

NYS 18 Hour Carry Course

NYS 18 Hour Course will be offered at the Club January 19 - 21st.  Contact  or call 585-268-7322 or more information.  

Pistol Shoot

Our Defensive Handgun Shooting will be starting up again on January 20th (and the third Saturday of each month thru September).  Fun for all skill levels ~ No experience necessary.  You must have a valid NYS Pistol Permit.    For

Fish Fries Are Back !!!!

Fish Fries are back for the year !! Mark your calendars for the LAST Friday of every month  PLUS we're having extra fish fries on February 16th and March 15th. Serving Fish Fries and a lot more from 4 -

Dues Day 2024

Come on over and pay your dues (if you haven't already) Prizes and Lots of Fun Bring a dish to share if you'd like

Country Memories Band

Join us for some fun & music 7 - 10 p.m. Come hungry ~ the kitchen will be open 

Bonus Fish Fry

Because they were so good, we're having an extra one !! Fish fries and a lot more will be served from 4-8 p.m.  

Pistol Shoot

Join us for some fun defensive handgun shooting   Fun for all skill levels ~ No experience necessary Must have valid NYS Pistol Permit For more info, contact Paul @ 716-870-7080